Txtng is killing language

Video 5 John McWhorter- Txtng is killing language.

            The difference between texting and speaking. First there's speech, and then writing comes along as a kind of artifice. When you write, because it's a conscious process, can look to the past, you can do things with language that are much less likely if you're just talking. Casual speech is something quite different. Linguists have actually shown that when we're speaking casually in an unmonitored way, we tend to speak in word packets of maybe seven to 10 words per sentences. . Speech is much more looser. It's much more telegraphic. It's much less reflective and very different from writing. So, people naturally tend to think, when they see language written so often,  that's what language is, but actually language is speech. They are two different things. Texting is fingered speech and it is very loose in its structure. No one thinks about capital letters or punctuation when one texting another.


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